Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love One Another..

Despite Merrill’s evil plan, we had another great FHE.

(He hinted at his evil plan in the last FHE post found here.)

We started the evening off with singing “As I Have Loved You” and learned the sign language to it.

We read in the scriptures, and broke it all down together, talked about how we can show others that we love them, and why it is so important to Heavenly Father that we love everyone.

That is always good and interesting time with the girls..  their insights are sweet.

We talked about showing love and respect to those in our home and how we can do that everyday.

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I bought these cute little mailboxes at Target back in January, they were so tempting in that dollar bin..  I thought we could all write love notes or draw pictures to show our love to each other especially this month, but hope to make it a habit for the rest of the year.  The lesson kind of followed, but worked in perfectly.

The girls have really taken to it, and I enjoy it too.  I have yet to get one on my pillow :( but I love that when I want to tell them how much I love them, or how much I appreciate something they have done, I can write it down, and they love it.  The little notes mean so much to them!  It’s also fun to draw little pictures for them.  We put the flags up if we have placed something in someone’s box (I know, a little backwards) and they sit and wait on the counter for them to come and see the flag is up.

I think it’s safe to say that Valentines’ has gotten an early start here.

1 comment:

anniebobannie said...

Love that Idea with the boxes and I am stealing it in the future! Rob LOVES the cookies and is trying to talk me into letting him eat Ava's! Love your guts!