Friday, February 22, 2013

basic frames: my need + want

and liv made the dream come true!!

these are just what I need so often when I am scrapping a page.  sometimes, you just need a simple, sweet frame, nothing to detailed and crazy, just enough of something to set the photo apart from the rest of the page.

they come in black and white, basic and keylined.

(I would suggest you just go for it and get the pack with both!!  or regret it later…)

(as per usual, click on the layout for full credits.)

you even get a bonus on this one: a recipe!!  these cookies are delicious.  the recipe has replaced our standard “go-to” chocolate chip cookie recipe, the one I have memorized and have made pretty much my entire life..

that says a lot.

another bonus, you get staples with these frames that are perfect for either the white or the black frames.

(liv thinks of EVERYTHING!)

here’s the basic:


and here’s the keylined version:


we are spending this snowy utah day inside, with pillows + blankets, ibuprofen, a lion king coloring book, a stack of disney flicks, a good book (for me), and lots and lots of liquids.  you can rest assured that there will be plenty of snuggling going on.  I am even plotting a nap.

all of these things are a sure-fire cure for the ailing five-year old in my life..

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